Indigenous art. Indigenous perspectives.

Masked Heroes: Two-Leggeds


The virtual exhibition, Masked Heroes: Facial Coverings by Native Artists, is organized into themes based on subject matter. This category focuses on humanity. The overwhelming concern in this classification is for honoring and fighting for justice on behalf of the Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women (MMIW), an ongoing crisis that includes the systematic targeting and trafficking of Native women and girls. For more information, please visit the Coalition to Stop Violence Against Native Women’s website.

  • Linda Lou Metoxen
    Linda Lou Metoxen (Navajo), "Still Remembering Our Sisters," Fabric, elastic, and metal wire. Sewn together on a sewing machine. I  made my own pattern. I want to bring awareness to the issue of MMIW (missing and murdered Indigenous Women) that receives little mainstream media coverage. 

Abstraction | Four-Leggeds | From the Water | Plant World | Two-Leggeds | Winged Beings



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