Indigenous art. Indigenous perspectives.

FAAM Alaska Native Art Writing Fellowship


FAAM Alaska Native Art Writing Fellowship

Through generous support by The CIRI Foundation as part of its Alaska Native Art Writing Initiative, First American Art Magazine is pleased to offer a competitive art writing fellowship. The FAAM Alaska Native Art Writing Fellowship will provide a writer with:

  • a stipend of $5,000
  • individualized writing mentorship
  • editing feedback
  • opportunities to compose five different art writing projects over the course of nine months.

Deadline has past and was Friday, July 7, 2023, 11:59 pm Alaska Daylight Time.

Fellowship Goals and Outcomes

Margaret Stiefel

Margaret Stiefel (Yup’ik), “Dancer Doll,” sea otter parka, ©1987, courtesy of University of Alaska Museum of the North, UA2000-008-0001. Photo: Angela Linn.

The writing fellow has nine months to complete their fellowship. They will work on five different art writing genres to be published in First American Art Magazine and/or on its blog.

We will identify and discuss issues and challenges specific to writing about Alaska Native art topics, including identifying any new additions that need to be made to FAAM’s style guide.

These writing projects will be:

  1. Short blog piece on an Alaska Native art subject
  2. Review of an art exhibition or art book
  3. Profile of an individual artist
  4. Feature article about a broader topic within the arts (visual, performing, and/or media).
  5. Paragraph reflecting on the fellowship experience for The CIRI Foundation.

The fellow will meet about once a month via Zoom with two art writing mentors, Stacy Pratt, PhD (Mvskoke), and America Meredith (Cherokee Nation). They will provide individualized instruction, editing, and feedback on art writing about Indigenous topics in general and specific writing projects through email and Zoom.

The fellow will receive copies of First American Art Magazine issues with Alaska Native articles. The fellow will be paid $2,500 upon acceptance and will receive a second payment of $2,500 upon completion of the three writing projects and the fellowship.


AlaskaPotential fellows should be members of any of the 228 federally recognized tribes of Alaska or direct descendants of these tribes. Preference is given to writers currently living in Alaska, although people living outside the state are also welcome to apply.

Applicants should be 18 years old or older.

There are no degree requirements. Emerging writers are welcome to apply, as are experienced writers who would like to learn how to write specifically about Indigenous art, which can include visual, performing, or media arts.


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The CIRI Foundation


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