Indigenous art. Indigenous perspectives.

FAAM Index: L

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Lac du Flambeau Chippewa: see Ojibwe.

Laguna Pueblo

  • Ebelacker, Jamelyn. “David Lee Pecos [Memorial].” FAAM no. 5 (Winter 2014): 71 | print | digital


  • Bordeaux, Mary. “Kevin Pourier: Oglala Lakota Buffalo Horn Carver and Jeweler.” FAAM no. 4 (Fall 2014): 44–49 | print | digital

Laktonen, Jerry

  • Diaz, RoseMary. “Top of the World Bound: Seven Pacific Northwest Coast, Alaska, and Canadian First Nations Artists Reflect on Challenge, Opportunity, and Santa Fe Indian Market.” FAAM no. 1 (Fall 2013): 40–45 | print | digital

Lanteri, Michelle J.

  • Lanteri, Michelle. “Athena LaTocha: Inside the Forces of Nature. Santa Fe: IAIA Museum of Contemporary Native Arts.” 15 (Summer 2017): 74–76.
  • Lanteri, Michelle J. “Dana Claxton: Fringing the Cube” [Review of book edited by Grant Arnold].” FAAM no. 22 (Spring 2019): 88–89 | printdigital
  • Lanteri, Michelle. “Fall Group Show.” 10 (Spring 2016): 79–80.
  • Lanteri, Michelle. “Into the Future: Culture Power in Native American Art.” 14 (Spring 2017): 75–76.
  • Lanteri, Michelle. “Kay WalkingStick: An American Artist.” 11 (Summer 2016): 78–79.
  • Lanteri, Michelle. “Landscape of an Artist: Living Treasures Dan Namingha. Santa Fe: Museum of Indian Arts and Culture” 12 (Fall 2016): 94–95.
  • Lanteri, Michelle. “much wider than a line: SITElines.2016; New Perspectives on Arts of the Americas.” 13 (Winter 2016): 84–85.
  • Lanteri, Michelle. “PictoGraff: The Art of the WarPrayer.” 12 (Fall 2016): 90.
  • Lanteri, Michelle. “Unsuspected Possibilities: Marie Watt.” 9 (Winter 2015): 80–81.

LaPensee, Elizabeth

  • LaPensee, Elizabeth. “The Artistry of Indigenous Games.” 8 (Fall 2015): 22–23.

LaRance, Steve Wikviya

  • Golar, Staci. “Travels to China: Artists Sustain Traditions Using the Universal Language of Art.” FAAM no. 2 (Spring 2014): 48–51 | print | digital

Larsen, Mike

  • Hart, Franci. “Mike Larsen. Oklahoma City: Exhibit C [Review].” FAAM no. 5 (Winter 2014): 64–65 | print | digital

Larson Bread, Jackie

  • Merz-Edwards, Jean. “Jackie Larson Bread: Blackfeet Beadwork Artist.” 8 (Fall 2015): 62–67.

Lavadour, James

  • Golar, Staci. “James Lavadour: Walla Walla Painter and Printmaker.” 15 (Summer 2017): 52–57.

Ledger Art

  • Meredith, America. “George Flett: Love and Camas–Renowned Renowned Ledger Artist Was Dedicated to His People [Memorial].” FAAM no. 0 (Spring 2013): 78 | digital
  • Meredith, America. Women and Ledger Art: Four Contemporary Native American Artists [Review of book by Richard Pearce].” FAAM no. 1 (Fall 2013): 72–73 | print | digital

Lee, June

  • Watson, Mary Jo. “June Lee: Seminole Textile Artist.” 10 (Spring 2016): 66–71.

Legacy Gallery, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC

  • Young, India. “Adasla: The Movement of the Hands. Victoria: University of Victoria: Legacy Gallery [Review].” FAAM no. 4 (Fall 2014): 82–84 | print | digital

Lehmann, Katja

  • Lehmann, Katja. “Byting Willows: Showcasing Excellence in Dine Basket Designs.” 6 (Spring 2015): 14–15.

Lemunguier, Lorena

  • Sense, Sarah. “Arte Textil Contemporáneo. Santiago: Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes [Review].” FAAM no. 0 (Spring 2013), 62 | digital


  • Meredith, America. “Sonny Assu: Ligwilda’xw Interdisciplinary Artist.” FAAM no. 2 (Summer 2014), 16–21 | print | digital

Linklater, Tanya Lukin

  • Smith, Matthew Ryan. “I Write for My Family: A Conversation with Tanya Lukin Linklater.” 10 (Spring 2016): 38–42.

Little Turtle, Carm

  • Meredith, America. “Carm Little Turtle [Memorial].” 13 (Winter 2016): 102.

Livingstone-Smith, Alan

  • Meredith, America. “Melvin Sandoval: A Very Special Fetish Carver [Written by Alan Livingstone-Smith].” 13 (Winter 2016): 89–90.

Logan Jr., Doyle

  • Logan Jr., Doyle. “Kay WalkingStick: An American Artist [Review of book edited by Kathleen Ash-Milby and David W. Penney].” FAAM no. 10 (Spring 2016): 82 | print | digital
  • Logan Jr., Doyle. “Laguna Pueblo: A Photographic History [Review of book by Lee Marmon and Tom Corbett].” 8 (Fall 2015): 96–97.
  • Logan Jr., Doyle. “Super Indian: Fritz Scholder 1967–1980 [Review of book edited by John P. Lukavic,].” 9 (Winter 2015): 82–83.

Logan, Kent

  • Logan Jr., Doyle. “Super Indian: Fritz Scholder 1967–1980 [Review of book by edited by John P. Lukavic].” 9 (Winter 2015): 82–83.

Logan, Linley B.

  • Logan, Linley B. “Kokiri Putahi: 7th International Indigenous Vusla Arts Gathering [Report].” FAAM no. 3 (Summer 2014), 67–68 | print | digital
  • Logan, Linley B. “Seven Directions: Linley B. Logan.” 12 (Fall 2016): 20–21.

Lomahaftewa, Linda

  • Golar, Staci. “Travels to China: Artists Sustain Traditions Using the Universal Language of Art.” FAAM no. 2 (Spring 2014): 48–51 | print | digital

Lonetree, Amy

  • Fricke, Suzanne Newman. “Perspectives and Parallels; Expanding Interpretive Foundations with American Indian Curators and Writers [Edited by Joanna Big Feather and Amy Lonetree].” 7 (Summer 2015): 79–80.

Long, Zelma

  • Long, Zelma. “Listening to the Stone: Original Inuit Art.” 7 (Summer 2015): 68–69.

Loretto, Jonathan

  • Meredith, America. “Ascending New Heights: Four Artists to Watch.” 8 (Fall 2015): 52–57.

Lovesick Child

  • Smith, Matthew Ryan. “Lovesick Child. Toronto: A Space Gallery [Review].” FAAM no. 2 (Spring 2014): 66–67 | print | digital

Lowry, Judith

  • Melero, Melissa. “Judith Lowry: Mountain Maidu-Pit River-Washoe Painter.” 6 (Spring 2015): 50–55.

Lukavic, John

  • Logan Jr., Doyle. “Kay WalkingStick: An American Artist [Review of book edited by Kathleen Ash-Milby and David W. Penney].” 10 (Spring 2016): 82.
  • Merz-Edwards, Jean. “Art in Motion: Native American Explorations of Time, Place, and Thought [Review of book edited by John Lukavic and Laura Caruso].” 13 (Winter 2016): 88.


  • Fields, Nancy Strickland. “Jessica Clark: Lumbee Painter.” FAAM no. 5 (Winter 2014), 16–21 | print | digital
  • Meredith, America. “Lloyd Earl Oxendine [Memorial].” 9 (Winter 2015): 90–91.


  • Baca, Kim. “Sharing His Legacy: James Luna Donates His Archives to IAIA.” FAAM no. 4 (Fall 2014), 70–73 | print | digital

Luna, James

  • Baca, Kim. “Sharing His Legacy: James Luna Donates His Archives to IAIA.” FAAM no. 4 (Fall 2014), 70–73 | print | digital

Luster, Haley

  • Luster, Haley. “Itaa Katsi: Our Life. Las Cruces: New Mexico State University Museum.” 12 (Fall 2016): 89–90.