The Museum of Indian Arts and Culture (MIAC) cohosted our fall launch party at Museum Hill Café. Weldon Fulton prepared a menu of Cherokee-inspired cuisine to honor Lloyd Kiva New that included turkey skewers, cornbread, an onion and egg dish, and sassafras tea. Aysen New agreed to share some words at our launch, but we were surprised when she brought Jeff New, Lloyd’s son, as well as his wife and children to our event.
A great mix of people joined us from MIAC, School for Advanced Research, Wheelwright, International Folk Art Market, Santa Fe University of Art and Design, IAIA, and even New Mexico State University—286 miles away in Las Cruces. Thanks so much to everyone, including the artists and artists, who attended to celebrate our fall issue, and thanks to Shelley Thompson, Della Warrior, and Weldon Fulton for helping to make it possible!
- America Meredith, Jeff New and Aysen New (center), and Jeff New’s family
- Crowd scene with Anna Strankman
- FAAM writer RoseMary Diaz (center) with her daughter and mother
- Aysen New (center), Jeff New (second from right), and Jeff’s wife and children visiting from Colorado
- Weldon Fulton of Museum Hill Café, Staci Golar, Della Warrior, and Linda Lomahaftewa
- Della Warrior and Linda Lomahaftewa
- Heather Gross, Neebinnaukzhik Southall, and Paula Niemi
- Jason Garcia and DY Begay
- Linda and Bob Off perusing their copy of FAAM
- Linda visiting with John and Michelle Lanteri
- Neebinnaukzhik Southall and Ken WIlliams Jr.
- John, Beatrice, and Angie Ortiz
- FAAM writer Suzanne Newman Fricke, Laura Sullivan, and Carol Emarthle-Douglas
- America Meredith, editor of First American Art Magazine, and Shelley Thompson, publisher of El Palacio
- Heather Gross and Stephen MacMurray
Photographs by Stephen Lang of Santa Fe