Indigenous art. Indigenous perspectives.

“Dreamwork, From Here to There: The Photography of Gracelynn Growingthunder” + FAAM Launch Party!

Gracelynn Growingthunder

Gracelynn Growingthunder (Nakoda/Kiowa), “Hefner Lighthouse OKC,” digital photography.

Dreamwork, From Here to There: The Photography of Gracelynn Growingthunder

New photography by Gracelynn Growingthunder (Nakoda/Kiowa) will be on view in an art show curated by Georgeanne Growingthunder (Nakoda/Kiowa).

  • What: Opening reception + launch party
  • When: Monday, January 6, 2020, 6:00–8:00 pm
  • Where: Lobby Café and Bar, 4322 N Western Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73118

Georgeanne Growing, aged 8, makes her curatorial debut with this monthlong solo exhibition of digital photography by her sister Gracelynn Growingthunder, aged 10.

Landscape and architectural photography predominate Gracelynn’s oeuvre; however, she also shoots group shots, particularly of historic gatherings, such as the Kiowa Gourd Dance in Carnegie, 2019 Women’s March in Oklahoma City, and the launching of a mishoon, or dugout canoe by Wampanoag tribal members in Mystic, Connecticut.

Georgeanne framed and hung Gracelynn’s artwork and prepare the labels and didactic text. Both sisters have been honored as youth fellows by the Southwestern Association for Indian Arts (SWAIA) and participated in the Santa Fe Indian Market.

Gracelynn Growingthunder

Gracelynn Growingthunder (Nakoda/Kiowa), “Sassacus Returns Through Nookimoos,” digital photography, Mystic, Connecticut.

FAAM 25 cover

Cover art by Brian Adams (Iñupiaq)This Saturday, February 24, 2:00 to 4:00

FAAM No. 25, Winter 2020 Launch Party

Grab a copy of the latest issue of First American Art Magazine. Buy a subscription for yourself or a friend and enter a raffle for original Native artwork, including a miniature Plains beaded cradleboard.

Light refreshments will be provided. This art show and launch party is free and open to the public.

Questions? Email us.




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