The Medina family modeling their handmade masks. Image courtesy of Georgina Medina (Tulalip Tribes).
In response to the rapid shuttering of art galleries and museums to help slow the spread of COVID-19, First American Art Magazine launched a call for this virtual art exhibition. The Native art community has responded to this crisis with compassion, generosity, bravery, and hope. Through Masked Heroes, we want to celebrate the resilience of Indigenous peoples and help share the beauty that Native artists have created in the face of our shared crisis.
Seventy-three artists responded to our call for entries with 125 masks. Due to the unexpected numbers of entries, they are divided by subject matters into the themes of Abstraction, Four-Leggeds, From the Water, Plant World, Two-Leggeds, and Winged Beings.
While the masks in this exhibition need not be functional, many of them are. Many artists have gifted masks to healthcare workers on the frontlines of this crisis.
FAAM introduced awards to this exhibition as a motivation to enter. We are pleased to announce that Howard La Fortune (Tsawout First Nation) won Best of Show with his Bear Snout, a carved cedar mask. Twenty-six editors, writers, advisors, and regional representatives of FAAM judged the entries. Author Stacy Pratt, PhD (Mvskoke), wrote, “Judging that was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life!” The vast number of excellent masks with such a broad range of styles and techniques made judging a challenge, and all of the artworks deserve recognition.
The magazine was founded with the goal of introducing the public to the widest possible range of Native artists, and we are delighted to showcase artists from the Pacific to the Atlantic. Artists provided their websites and social media links. If you want to contact any artists without links, you can email us and we will forward your email on to the artist. That way we can facilitate communication without compromising an artist’s privacy.
Facial masks will be part of our daily lives in the future. They help protect others. We hope this exhibition helps us embrace these protections. FAAM would like to thank every artist that shared their creations with us and every other mask maker who is helping the world become a safer place for all of us.
Exhibition Themes
Click on thumbnail to see the masks from a particular theme.
Artists by Name
Click on the title of artwork to see the image.
- Pilar Agoyo (Ohkay Owingeh/Cochiti/Kewa Pueblos), Pinterest @starpilar, Twitter @agoyo
- Bread Is Life
- Protection, Judge’s Choice: Kelly Church
- Nasuk Ahyakak (Native Village of Barrow, Iñupiaq), FB profile: Nasuk Akyakak
- Marcus Amerman (Choctaw Nation) and Carolyn Amerman (Nez Perce), IG @carolynamerman | marcusamerman.com
- Robbie Atabaigi (Absentee Shawnee)
- COVID-19 Mask—USA, Judge’s Choice: Michole Eldred, Jo Ann Reece
- Jeanne Banning (Fort William First Nation, Ojibway)
- Aaron Begay (Laguna Pueblo/Navajo), IG @shaawiit
- Casey Bigpond (Mississippi Choctaw/Creek)
- Nan Blassingame (Southern Cheyenne), FB @Nativeamericannotions
- Nancy Brown-Garcia (Narragansett), IG @nancybrowngarcia
- Tranette Calladitto (Navajo), FB @tmcnavajoartist, IG @tcalladitto_nativeartist
- Carolyn Calvin (Navajo)
- Renee Cleveland (Navajo), FB Profile: R.K. Cleveland
- Nicolette Corbett (Orutsararmiut Native Council, Yup’ik), sewyupik.com, IG @sewyupik, FB @sewyupik
- Cathy Cordry (Rosebud Sioux Tribe), cathycordry.square.site, FB profile: Cathylee Cordry
- Juli Cote (Osage), FB profile: Juli Cote
- Michael Danner (Native Hawaiian) and Gigi Danner (Chickasaw)
- Dawn Dark Mountain (Oneida Nation), dawndarkmountain.com, FB @DarkMountainWatercolorsLLC
- Catherine Esquivel (Diné), FB profile: Catherine Esquivel
- Tom Farris (Otoe-Missouria/Cherokee), FB @TheArtofTomFarris
- Anita Fields (Osage/Muscogee), IG @nativefields
- All My Heroes Wear Ribbon Work, Judge’s Choice: Staci Golar, Jami Powell
- Kenneth Glass (Cherokee Nation), FB @kgdesigns918, IG @kendoll49
- Dolores Gull (Weenusk First Nation, Cree) and Faith Chookomolin (Weenusk First Nation, Cree), FB Profile: CREE STYLE BY De LORES
- I See You, Judge’s Choice: America Meredith
- Valarie Harris (Hopi/Tohono O’odham), FB profile: Val Harris, IG @val.j.harris
- Sue Herne (Akwesasne Mohawk)
- Carrie Hill (Akwesasne Mohawk), chill-baskets.com, FB @chillbaskets, IG @chillbaskets
- #COVIDCreation, Judge’s Choice: Linda Lomahaftewa
- Luzene Hill (Eastern Band Cherokee) and Samantha Page McDaniel (Eastern Band Cherokee), allgoodandasbill.com, IG @samanthaspage, Etsy: AllgoodandAsbill | luzenehill.com, FB @LuzeneHillArt
- Loretta Hoagland (Minnesota Chippewa Tribe, White Earth) and Destani Hoagland (Minnesota Chippewa Tribe, White Earth), IG @ojibwe_beaders
- Lily Hope (Tlingit), lilyhope.com, IG @lilyhopeweaver, #lilyhopecouture
- Chilkat Protector, Judge’s Choice: Jean Merz-Edwards, Christopher Smith, Matthew Ryan Smith
- Madeline Jenkins [Muscogee (Creek) Nation], IG @hotvle.craft
- Yvonne Jolley (Yurok)
- Yurok Friendship Design, Judge’s Choice: Michelle J. Lanteri
- Yurok Frog Hand
- Heather Jordan (NANA, Iñupiaq)
- Catherine Kasler (Cherokee Nation)
- Nickole Keith (Nottawaseppi Huron Band Potawatomi) and Johnathon Moulds, (Nottawaseppi Huron Band Potawatomi), Photographer, FB @NKSTAMPED, IG @NKStamped
- Howard La Fortune (Tsawout First Nation), FB profile: Howard La Fortune, Twitter
@howardthduck64, IG @thduck64 - Denise Lajimodiere (Turtle Mountain Band of Ojibwe), FB @birchbarkbiting
- Heather Levi (Kiowa/Cheyenne/Arapaho) and George Curtis Levi (Cheyenne/Arapaho/Lakota), FB profile: Heather Levi | FB @georgecurtislevi, IG @georgecurtislevi
- Sheena Logan (Seminole Nation of Oklahoma), FB profile: Chickee Chic
- Shayai Lucero (Acoma/Laguna), earthskyfloral.com, FB @EarthSkyFloral, IG @EarthSkyFloral
- Breath of Life, Judge’s Choice: Samonia Byford
- LeAndra Madalena (Navajo), IG @mrsmontypython
- Brenda L. Mahan (Koyukon Athabascan), FB profile: Brenda Mahan (Brenda LaPlante), IG @flwrquilt
- Leith Mahkewa (Oneida Nation of the Thames), FB @leithbeadwork, IG @leithmahkewa
- I Am Protecting You from Me, Second Place, Judge’s Choice: Stephanie Pratt, Jackie Sevier
- Lea McCormick (Mvskoke Nation), FB @WovenDesignsbyLea
- Georgina Medina (Tulalip Tribes), FB profile: Georgina Medina
- Bill Mendoza (Oglala Lakota/Sicangu Lakota), quillbillcreations.com, FB @QuillBillCreations, IG @quillbillcreations
- Dentalium and Quilled Mask, Third Place, Judge’s Choice: Heather Cox
- Linda Lou Metoxen (Navajo). Note: Metoxen has sold her masks, is out of material, and will not be making more in the near future.
- Saving Lives While Saving the Planet, Judge’s Choice: Emily Haozous
- Still Remembering Our Sisters
- Katrina Mitten (Miami Tribe of Oklahoma), katrinamitten.com, FB Katrina Mitten – Beadwork Artist
- You May Not Kiss The Bride, Judge’s Choice: heather ahtone
- Thoughts of Summer
- You May Not Kiss The Bride, Judge’s Choice: heather ahtone
- Sage Mountainflower (Ohkay Owingeh), sagemountainflower.com, FB profile: Sage PinPovi, IG @pinpovi
- Allyssa Nashookpuk (Huslia Tribe, Athabascan)
- Cecili O’Sullivan (Sun’aq Tribe of Kodiak)
- Samantha Page McDaniel (Eastern Band Cherokee), allgoodandasbill.com, IG @samanthaspage, Etsy: AllgoodandAsbill
- Jobena Petonoquot (Kitigan Zibi Algonquin), IG @jobena_petonoquot
- Jennifer Pictou (Aroostook Band of Micmacs), IG @raepictou
- Osceola Red Shirt (Oglala Lakota), Two Guns Leather: twogunsleather.com, FB @twogunsleather, IG @twogunsleather
- Michelle Reed (Lac du Flambeau Ojibwe), FB MReed Designs Purse Co., IG @mreeddesigns
- Addie Roanhorse (Osage), addieroanhorse.com, IG @addie_roanhorse
- Tiya Rosario (Kiowa), FB profile: Tajabling Tajabling, email
- Margaret Riley Santhanam (Choctaw/Chickasaw), IG @margmom5
- Melinda Schwakhofer (Mvskoke), inspiraculum.co.uk
- Stefanie Sikorowski (Oneida/Chickasaw)
- Vicki Soboleff (Tlingit, Haida), FB @soboleff.selections, IG @vicki.soboleff, Twitter @VickiSHaida
- Vera Starbard (Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indians of Alaska/Native Village of Tyonek, Tlingit/Dena’ina) and Don Starbard (Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indians of Alaska, Tlingit), FB @eekhit | verastarbard.com
- Elizabeth Stephens (Caddo Nation of Oklahoma), FB @thunderhorsecreations
- Stephanie Tenasco (Kitigan Zibi Anishinabe), IG @stephanie_tenasco
- Marlana Thompson (Mohawk Nation of Akwesasne), FB @OCbyMTB, IG @marlanathompsonbaker
- Ononkwashon:a / Medicinal Plants, Judge’s Choice: Stacy Pratt
- Dana Tiger (Muscogee) and Rhina Bell (Seminole), tigerartgallery.com
- Michelle Tsosie Sisneros (Santa Clara Pueblo), basketinthemiststudio.com, FB profile: Michelle Tsosie Sisneros, IG @michelletsosiesisneros
- Diane R. Walter (Central Council of the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes)
- My Love of Alaska series, Abstraction
- My Love of Alaska series, From the Water
- My Love of Alaska series, Plant World
- Tonya S. Wapskineh (Cherokee Nation/Muscogee/Seminole/Prairie Band Potawatomi), IG @tanae_wapskineh
- Serene Weasel Traveller (Piikani Nation), FB profile: Serene Weasel Traveller, IG @sereneweaseltraveller
- Face Mask Quilt, Judge’s Choice: Candice Byrd
- Tlehpik Hjalmer Wenstob (Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations), cedarhousegallery.com; FB @firstnationsart, IG @cedarhousegallery, great article in the Tofino-Ucluelet Westerly News
- Rosanne Wilson (Agdaagux Tribe of King Cove, Unangax̂), IG @rosiepq05
- Crystal Worl (Tlingit/Athabascan/Yupik), crystalworl.com, IG @crystalworl
- Fine Lines
- Beaded Seal Fur, Judge’s Choice: Andrea L. Ferber
- Carol Wren (Curyung Tribal Council, Iñupiaq), IG @inupiaqgirl
- Pilar Agoyo (Ohkay Owingeh/Cochiti/Kewa Pueblos), Pinterest @starpilar, Twitter @agoyo
Award Winners
Click here or on the picture to see all the award winners together. Judging the photographs of masks was daunting considering how many incredible artworks are in this show. Some of the mask makers are professional artists and some are making functional masks and entering this virtual exhibition on a lark. FAAM appreciates you all!
This exhibition was sponsored and funded by First American Art Magazine and one generous member of our editorial advisory board. We would like to thank all the artists, judges, and mask makers everywhere. Wear your masks to protect your community and let’s strive for a safer, healthier future!

A virtual yuraq, or Alaska Native dance, with protective cloth masks. Image courtesy of Carol Wren (Iñupiaq, Curyung Tribal Council).
The COVID-19 pandemic is hitting different Indigenous communities particularly hard. Some of the many groups who are helping Native communities include:
- The Official Navajo Nation COVID-19 Relief Fund
- NDN Collective, providing COVID-19 emergency grants for Indigenous artists
- National Congress of the American Indian (NCAI), providing COVID-19 emergency grants for tribal communities
- Keshi Foundation, matching funds to assist to Zuni families stricken by COVID-19
- Poeh Cultural Center Community Support during COVID-19, talking circles, free training, and grants for Native artists
- COVID-19 Resources for Indian Country
Amazing art .
These are all so amazing !.. In my heart ..they are all winners … Are any of these for sale ? If so , is there a link?kind regards .
The main page for the exhibition has social media links for the artists, so you can contact them directly and inquire if they have masks available. Many of the masks pictured here are sold, but many artists are making multiple masks and might have other ones available. Good luck!
Are they for sale?
The main page for the exhibition has social media links for the artists, so you can contact them directly and inquire if they have masks available. Many of the masks pictured here are sold, but many artists are making multiple masks and might have other ones available. Good luck!
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Beautiful! Thank you to all artists who are keeping us inspired and hopeful during this difficult time.