Indigenous art. Indigenous perspectives.

Native POP 2019


Native Pop

7th Annual Native POP Art Market and Cultural Celebration features Art, Fashion, Film and Music

Main Street Square, Rapid City, SD
Reception: Friday, July 19, 5:00 am – 8:00 pm
Market: Saturday, July 20, 9:00 am – 8:00 pm

Native POP: People of the Plains is a one-day, juried Native American art market and cultural celebration featuring original work by established and emerging Native visual artists focusing on Great Plains culture. This is the seventh year for the free and family-friendly annual event at Main Street Square in the heart of downtown Rapid City, South Dakota on the third weekend of July.  This year the Native POP art market will take place on Saturday, July 20 from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. At Native POP art market, visitors will have the opportunity to buy artwork directly from the artists.

In addition to the fine art market, Native POP is a cultural celebration with top Native performing artists and Native culture bearers sharing and demonstrating their cultural knowledge and artistry throughout the day.

Culture bearers are individuals who carry ancestral knowledge and pass on the traditions and lifeways of their people. In recent years Native POP culture bearers have included traditional games and lacrosse, regalia making, fashion design, bow and arrow making, quillwork, and beadwork. This year’s culture bearers are the Lakota Sewing Circle, Gloria Little, Mahpiya Lone Elk, Karen Swan, and Stephanie Two Crow.

As part of the cultural celebration, Native POP will host their fourth annual fashion show from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm and a Native film showcase presented in partnership with Vision Maker Media and South Dakota Public Broadcasting.  The Native film showcase will run from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm at the SDPB Black Hills Bureau at 415 Main Street.

The Native POP performance stage has included Native flute, powwow drum, folk, blues, hip-hop, alt-rock and spoken word as previous performances. After the market ends two bands, Scotti Clifford & Spirits Cry and Sons of Sans Arc, will perform a free concert from 6:00 pm to 8:00pm to close out the event.

This celebration of Native art and culture brings together the communities of Rapid City and the surrounding areas along with the artists, performers, and families from the regional tribal nations of the Great Plains. This is event highlights the range and diversity of Native art and cultural expression while encouraging dialogue and sharing across cultures.


Native POP recognizes artistic achievement at a ticketed artist awards reception on Friday, July 19 with $17,000 in awards, at the Dahl Arts Center. The evening offers entertainment, refreshments, a sneak peek at the market’s premier art, and a chance to meet and visit with the artists. Tickets available for purchase at

Native POP


This year’s participating artists include:

Angela Babby
Caroline Bald Eagle/ Ravenshead
Emilie Bald Eagle/ Ravenshead
Carlin Bear Don’t Walk
Keith BraveHeart
Joanne Brings Thunder
Roger Broer
Madison Burnette
Marshall Burnette
Fredrick Clarin
Cecelia Firethunder
Tani Gordon
Stan Hawkins
Charles Her Many Horses
Rhonda Holy Bear
Terra Houska
Unalee Howe
Susan Hudson
Valerie Janis
Galen LaRoche
Terran Last Gun
Bonnie LeBeau
Bill Mendoza
Lynnette Morin
Marlena Myles
Molina Parker
Wade Patton
Mikayla Patton
Susan Peebles
Debbie Rattling Leaf
Martin Red Bear
Charles Rencountre
Nelda Schrupp
Gene Swallow
Brian Szabo
Linda Szabo
Paul Szabo
Dustin Twiss
Marty Two Bulls Jr.
Micheal Two Bulls
Jennifer White


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