Indigenous art. Indigenous perspectives.

Oglala Lakota College OÁYE Virtual Rezidency


Oglala Lakota Arts Continuum

Rezidency Application

Oglala Lakota College
Spring 2021 Session

Application Deadline:
February 26, 2021

Applications will be reviewed and awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Contact Information
email: oaye {at}
phone: (605) 455-6093


The mission of the Oglala Lakota College OÁYE program is to support a Lakota arts continuum through artist residencies and cultural mentorships at Oglala Lakota College (OLC).


The OÁYE – Rezidency is a decentralized Artist-In-Residence program at OLC, open to Master Artists and Cultural Bearers. This program offers a paid stipend, modest materials support, and opportunities to engage with OLC and Oglala Lakota communities. Awardees will utilize their Rezidency to:

  • continue their work and/or conduct research
  • share their creative wisdom and cultural values within the OLC community
  • provide contribution and enrichment to the OLC Graphic Arts (GART) program and curriculum, and enhance OLC student engagements in Arts & Culture

Awardees will be required to commit 15 percent of their Rezidency time to the OLC GART program, through student and community engagement. This may include: critiques, demonstrations, lectures, presentations, workshops, or other GART curriculum development arrangements.


Applicants can apply for:

  • 80 hours (max) with 12 hr. contribution to OLC GART: $2,400 stipend
  • 40 hours with 6 hr. contribution to OLC GART: $1,200 stipend
  • 20 hours (min) with 3 hr. contribution to OLC GART: $600 stipend

COVID-19 Precautions

The SPRING 2021 OÁYE – Rezidency will be conducted entirely ONLINE in conjunction with OLC distance learning and safety procedures. Online requirements are further clarified on page 3*. If an applicant is uncomfortable working with digital platforms, such as Zoom, we encourage you to consider our next application session (Fall 2021), when we anticipate a return to face-to-face class settings. Computer technology is required for SPRING 2021.

The OÁYE program is a partnership between the Graphic Arts program and the Humanities and Social Science department at Oglala Lakota College.


The OÁYE – Rezidency is open to Master Artists and Cultural Bearers living in the vicinity of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, South Dakota. Preference will be given to Oglala Lakota artists but any Master Artist or Cultural Bearer is encouraged to apply. All applications will be reviewed in relevance to Native American Arts and Cultures. Master Artist and Cultural Bearer is considered anyone with a substantial amount of demonstrated experience in their field, which may include easel arts and cultural art forms. This program is not limited to the visual arts.

Download Application

Submit application and all materials to: oaye {at}

Applications will be reviewed by the OÁYE selection committee. All applicants will be notified about their application by email.

For further information or assistance, please contact:

OÁYE is an Oglala Lakota Arts Continuum that provides arts and culture programming under the Graphic Arts program (GART) at Oglala Lakota College. This initiative is made possible through generous support from the American Indian College Fund for Native Arts Curriculum Development and Enhancement.


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