Thiago Cóstackz: Mestizo/Potiguara Interdisciplinary Artist
Interview and translation by Vivian Zavataro Eu sou meus ancestrais e eles são eu. Eu…
Interview and translation by Vivian Zavataro Eu sou meus ancestrais e eles são eu. Eu…
Issue No. 7, Summer 2015 Click here to purchase a digital copy for $7 from…
From Issue No. 0, Spring 2013: 52–53 2500-1000 BCE: Independence I people from Canada settle…
Click here to purchase a digital copy for $7 from Issuu. To purchase a print copy,…
FAAM No. 0, Spring 2013 First American Art Magazine’s issue No. 0 is the pilot…
Versatile is the word for Maria Panínguak’ Kjærulff’s art practice. This Danish-Inuit artist played a…